What is Quantum Programming?

What is Quantum Programming?

Well, sometimes word can’t completely explain something… But here goes it anyway.
 So think about ants, each has a goal, sometimes they work together, and sometimes they follow the lead of a queen or advice of a chief. But mostly they know what they need to do and just get it done.
Today’s highly scalable web applications are not monolithic code bases, but rather a disaggregated mix of stateless microservices and stateful data stores. This typical architectural pattern of modern web applications solves certain problems of scaling, data management, and development agility. Disaggregated application architecture solves these problems but it creates a new one: siloing.
This typical architectural pattern of modern web applications solves certain problems of scaling, data management, and development agility. Disaggregated application architecture solves these problems but it creates a new one: siloing.
Mixing stateless, containerized microservices and stateful, high-volume data store necessitate the development of a diverse set of operational procedures. But while the separation of concerns and loose coupling are clear benefits of a microservice architecture, the need to understand and interact with the system as a whole inevitably arises.
So going forward do you need elephants with trainers or worker ants to solve your needs.